Letīs start!

Fill in the gaps with the right personal pronouns! (=Ergänze die Lücken mit den richtigen Personalpronomen)

Take care of the use of capital and small initial letters (=Hier ist Groß- und Kleinschreibung zu beachten!)

If you don't know a word, you can look it up here! (=Wenn du ein Wort nicht kennst, kannst du es hier nachschlagen!)

Example (=Beispiel):

1. I have got a problem with my homework. Can ______ help me?

I have got a problem with my homework. Can you help me?

1. My friend lives in London. is 29 years old.
2. Susan and her family go for a walk. will be back in 1 hour.
3. This year will get a car for my birthday.Then can drive to school every day.
4. How are ? I am fine.
5. We will go to the city. Later should take the train at 18:06.
6. George got a new bike. is going home.
7. What time is ?is quarter past 9.
8. I wan to buy several things. very cheap .
9. are watching TV.
10. Is your sister?- Yes, she is.
11. is very cold outside and it rains.
12. are speaking English.
13. have a swimming pool in my garden.My friends, are swimming in it.
14. likes to play the guitar.

If you need help, look in your Green Line book and check G1.
