Present Progressive!

Fill in the gaps with the right form of the simple present! (=Ergänze die Lücken mit den richtigen Formen des "Simple Present")

Take care of the use of capital and small initial letters and use long forms! (=Hier ist Groß- und Kleinschreibung zu beachten und benutze lange Formen!)

If you don't know a word, you can look it up here! (=Wenn du ein Wort nicht kennst, kannst du es hier nachschlagen!)

Example (=Beispiel):

1. Matthew is _______ (to read) a book.

Matthew is reading a book.

1. We (to play) football.
2. Pattrick and Marie (to help) their mothers. They (to wash) the dishes.
3. I (to talk) to my teacher.
4. He (to swim) in the pool.
5. Philipp (to write) a letter.
6. I (to take) a shower.
7. Peter (to draw) a picture.
8. Is your grandfather (to look) at the birds or is he (to cut) the gras?
9. they (to try) to help?
10. They (negative + to go) to the cinema.
11. Look! She looks sad! She (negative + to smile) at all.
12. The boys (negative + to play) football because it (is + to rain).
