True or False?

Fill in the gaps with the right form of to do! (=Ergänze die Lücken mit den richtigen Formen von "to do")

Take care of the use of capital and small initial letters (=Hier ist Groß- und Kleinschreibung zu beachten!)

If you don't know a word, you can look it up here! (=Wenn du ein Wort nicht kennst, kannst du es hier nachschlagen!)

Correct or false? (=Richtig oder falsch?)

Sentence (=Satz) Correct (=Richtig) False (=Falsch)
Does I look good in this shirt?
We don't travel to France.
He doesn't come from London.
He don't like the food on the table.
They don't play football, they like tennis.
I doesn't go to school on Saturdays.
Chris don't looks good today.
They don't go to Manchester.
He doesn't eat meat.
Steve don't make a trip to the zoo.
The teacher doesn't like the class.
The cat don't like rice.
Mr. Fight don't like false sentences!
You doesn't look good in that school uniform.
I don't come from America, I'm German.

If you need help, look in your Green Line book and check G28-29.
