Simple Past

Fill in the gaps with the right form of the simple past! (=Ergänze die Lücken mit den richtigen Formen des "Simple Past")

Take care of the use of capital and small initial letters (=Hier ist Groß- und Kleinschreibung zu beachten!)

If you don't know a word, you can look it up here! (=Wenn du ein Wort nicht kennst, kannst du es hier nachschlagen!)

Example (=Beispiel):

1. Josh ______ (to do) his homework yesterday.

Josh did his homework yesterday.

1. He (to go) to school yesterday.
2. Last weekend I (to watch) TV.
3. I (to meet) some nice girls on Thursday.
4. Sarah (to find) a dog in the street last Saturday.
5. Barker (to bark) at Lukas.
6. When did you arrive? I (to arrive) in the evening.
7. Last weekend I (to work) very much for the English test.
8. I (to have) breakfast with my parents last night.
9. My English teacher (to be) very good last year.
10.Becky (to get) new toys last weekend.

If you need help, look in your Green Line book and check G18, G25, G40, G41, G42, G43 and G46.
