Short answers!

Take care of the use of capital and small initial letters (=Hier ist Groß- und Kleinschreibung zu beachten!)

Answer with a short question. (Antworte mit einer kurzen Frage)

If you don't know a word, you can look it up here! (=Wenn du ein Wort nicht kennst, kannst du es hier nachschlagen!)

Are you at home? - No, .

Is he Tom? - No, .

Are we 5a? - Yes, .

Are they 5b? - No, .

Are we 5b?- No, .

Are the Dixons at home? - No, .

Is Becky having dinner? - Yes, .

Did she do her homework? - Yes, .

Are you in Italy for the weekend? - No, .

Does Grandma have my photos? - Yes, .

Is here a party on Friday? - Yes, .

Did Robert clean the table? – No, .

Do you have your book for school? - Yes, .

Did you finish the exercise? - Yes, .

Is Tabby your cat? Yes, ?

If you need help, look in your Green Line book and check G?.
